Our program offers direct access to a knowledgeable staff of people complimenting a solid technology. We are available 24 hours a day and are 100% dedicated to keeping your system running smoothly, we are always there to answer any questions you might have. Contact us Today!


FastTrack Bingo: Support

  • Industry Experience
    • We bring to the table over 20 years of successful operation and management of bingo facilities. We understand the nature and the unique needs of bingo players
  • Service Support
    • Our service team employs highly motivated computer technicians who are committed to keeping your system running smoothly every hour your doors are open.
  • Cutting Edge Technology
    • We are constantly upgrading and developing new enhancements, researching markets and engaging industry stakeholders to provide the “very latest’ to our clients.
  • Solutions
    • Phone or e-mail us to arrange a “Live” demonstration in your facility of “FastTrack Bingo”. the proven gaming solution that makes sense and generates revenue.
Contact us anytime!
Designed and Developed by Singulink

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